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Yuanchen Technology participated in the 4th China Cement Ultra Clean Emission Technology Exchange Co

Date of Issue:2021-06-30  Number of visits:842

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On June 29, 2021, "The 4th China Cement Ultra Clean Emission Technology Exchange Conference" hosted by China Cement Network was successfully held in Taixing State Hotel, Shijiazhuang, Hebei. With the theme of "Ultra-low Emission, Scientific Carbon Reduction and Green Development", the conference focused on energy saving, emission reduction and carbon neutrality in cement industry, and brought together industry leaders, technical experts, representatives of cement enterprises and equipment manufacturers with more than 500 participants. Mr. Chen Zhi, Vice General Manager of Yuanchen Technology, together with Mr. Wang Hailin, General Manager of Environmental Business Department, Dr. Xu Xiaolong of Science and Technology Research Institute, Ms. Zhang Jinghua, Sales Manager, and Ms. Wang Rongqin, Supply Chain Supervisor, attended this conference.

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", China's cement industry has developed rapidly and undergone great changes in terms of energy saving and emission reduction, production scale and co-disposal. With the gradual increase of national efforts to control air pollutant emissions in the cement industry, especially in recent years, the power industry has gradually achieved ultra-low emissions, and it has become a general trend for the cement industry to achieve ultra-low emissions (PM, SO2, NOx to implement emission limits of 10 mg/m³, 35 mg/m³, 50 mg/m³, respectively). Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi and other places have introduced local standards to further tighten the emission standards of pollutants in the cement industry. Carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality are also urgent challenges for the development of the cement industry. In this conference, Mr. Qiao Longde, former president of China Construction Materials Federation, suggested that the cement industry should actively launch and promote low-carbon and carbon capture, utilization and trading. Yuanchen Technology will contribute its unique power to the cement industry in carbon emission reduction, capture and utilization through relevant products and technologies.

Mr. Chen Zhi, Deputy General Manager of Yuanchen Technology, made a presentation on "Cement Flue Gas Treatment Technology and Application" on behalf of the company at the conference, highlighting to the participants the technology and product innovations of Yuanchen Technology in cement kiln flue gas dedusting and denitrification, including Noida® cement kiln special series filter media, alkali resistant SCR denitrification technology, high dust and wear resistant SCR denitrification technology, low pore number SCR denitrification technology and The "dust and nitrate filter" dust and denitrification catalytic filter media. During the tea break, the participants of Yuanchen Technology had an in-depth communication with those who were interested in our technology and products at our booth. In the future, Yuanchen Technology will continue to carry out technological innovation, continuously launch high-quality cement kiln flue gas treatment products, provide customers with satisfactory life-cycle services, and help China's cement industry achieve the goal of "3060 carbon emission reduction" as soon as possible.。